Brian Leach.
Musician - Maker - Composer
Secret Soup 2019
Sound performance at “Avoiding the Morning Soup” Lord Mayor’s Pavilion, Cork in association with Sample-Studios and Cork City Council.
I was asked to create a piece to perform at the closing of an exhibition entitled “Avoiding the Morning Soup”. The Exhibition was held in a beautiful park in the city centre and it’s theme looked at park spaces as a respite and antidote to our hectic city life. Human made spaces that approximate natural spaces. We turned the theme on it’s head and amplified the noise of the park rather than seeing it as a quiet place.
The audience and the space interacted with the performance.
I collaborated with Jesse Hallaway who wrote a computer program that would generate poetry based on the resistance of electrical wires which ran out to the flower beds and trees around the performance space. The poetry was amplified by a tactile transducer placed under a Hammer Dulcimer. The sounds resonated with the instrument and created more harmonics because of objects placed at precise points on the instrument. Stones and sticks from the park were used to depict the resonance of nature and human society.

It was such a beautiful day that unfortunately I got mild sunstroke and in all the excitement we neglected to set up the sound recorded. As far as I know no audio recording of the event exists.